Source code for janggu.decorators

"""Decorators to build neural networks.

This module contains decorators for automatically
appending an input and output layer of a neural network
with the correct dimensions.
There goal is to avoid having to define those layers.
Only the network body needs to be defined.
from functools import wraps

from keras.layers import Conv2D
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Input

[docs]def outputdense(activation): """Output layer decorator This decorator appends an output layer to the network with the correct shape, activation and layer name. """ def _outputdense(func): @wraps(func) def _add(inputs, inshapes, outshapes, params): inputs, outputs = func(inputs, inshapes, outshapes, params) if isinstance(activation, str): act = {name: activation for name in outshapes} elif callable(activation): act = {name: activation for name in outshapes} else: act = activation outputs = [Dense(outshapes[name]['shape'][-1], activation=act[name], name=name)(outputs) for name in outshapes] return inputs, outputs return _add return _outputdense
[docs]def outputconv(activation): """Output layer decorator This decorator appends an output convolution layer to the network with the correct shape, activation and layer name. """ def _outputconv(func): @wraps(func) def _add(inputs, inshapes, outshapes, params): inputs, outputs = func(inputs, inshapes, outshapes, params) if isinstance(activation, str): act = {name: activation for name in outshapes} elif callable(activation): act = {name: activation for name in outshapes} else: act = activation outputs = [Conv2D(outshapes[name]['shape'][-1], (1, 1), activation=act[name], name=name)(outputs) for name in outshapes] return inputs, outputs return _add return _outputconv
[docs]def inputlayer(func): """Input layer decorator This decorator appends an input layer to the network with the correct shape and name. """ @wraps(func) def _add(inputs, inshapes, outshapes, params): if inputs is None: # Input tensors might have already been established, # e.g. if the nested functions are invoked. # Then just pass through the inputs to the function. inputs = InputList([Input(inshapes[name]['shape'], name=name) for name in inshapes]) inputs, outputs = func(inputs, inshapes, outshapes, params) return inputs(), outputs return _add
class InputList(object): """Convenience class for querying inputs. This class holds a list of input-tensors (e.g. as created by inputlayer) and provides simple access methods to obtain a certain layer by name. """ input_list = None name = None def __init__(self, inputs): self.input_list = inputs def __getitem__(self, name): if isinstance(name, str): for input_ in self.input_list: if name in return input_ raise IndexError("No input with name {} defined. ".format(name) + "Options are {}".format(self.input_list)) elif isinstance(name, int): return self.input_list[name] else: raise IndexError("Wrong type {} for indexing".format(type(name))) def __call__(self): return self.input_list def use(self, name): """Method selects the layer to be used. Parameters ---------- name : str or int layer name or integer index to access a particular input layer. Returns ------- object : Returns itself after having set the name attribute. """ = name return self def __enter__(self): return self[] def __exit__(self, exctype, excvalue, traceback): pass