Source code for

"""Array dataset"""
import copy

import numpy as np

from import Dataset

class Wrapper(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data, *args):
        super(Wrapper, self).__init__( = copy.copy(data)
        self.args = args

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__,

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

    def conditions(self):
        return if hasattr(, "conditions") else None

    def shape(self):

    def ndim(self):
        return len(self.shape)

    def __copy__(self):
        ar = tuple([copy.copy(e) for e in (,)+self.args])
        obj = self.__class__(*ar)
        return obj

    def gindexer(self):  # pragma: no cover
        if hasattr(, 'gindexer'):
        raise ValueError('No gindexer available.')

    def gindexer(self, gindexer):  # pragma: no cover
        if hasattr(, 'gindexer'):
   = gindexer
        raise ValueError('No gindexer available.')

    def garray(self):  # pragma: no cover
        if hasattr(, 'garray'):
        raise ValueError('No garray available.')

[docs]class Array(Dataset): """Array class. This datastructure wraps arbitrary numpy.arrays for a deep learning application with Janggu. The main difference to an ordinary numpy.array is that Array has a name attribute. Parameters ----------- name : str Name of the dataset array : :class:`numpy.array` Numpy array. conditions : list(str) or None Conditions or label names of the dataset. """ def __init__(self, name, array, conditions=None): if conditions is not None: assert array.shape[-1] == len(conditions), \ "array shape and condition number does not agree: {} != {}" \ .format(array.shape[-1], len(conditions)) = copy.copy(array) self.conditions = conditions Dataset.__init__(self, '{}'.format(name)) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return 'Array("{}", <np.array>)'.format( def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, idxs): data =[idxs] return data @property def shape(self): """Shape of the dataset""" if len( == 1: return + (1,) return @property def ndim(self): # pragma: no cover "ndim" return len(self.shape) def __copy__(self): obj = type(self)(,, self.conditions) obj.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return obj
[docs]class ReduceDim(Wrapper): """ReduceDim class. This class wraps an 4D coverage object and reduces the middle two dimensions by applying the aggregate function. Therefore, it transforms the 4D object into a table-like 2D representation Example ------- .. code-block:: python # given some dataset, e.g. a Cover object # originally, the cover object is a 4D-object. cover.shape cover = ReduceDim(cover, aggregator='mean') cover.shape # Afterwards, the cover object is 2D, where the second and # third dimension have been averaged out. Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset aggregator : str or callable Aggregator used for reducing the intermediate dimensions. Available aggregators are 'sum', 'mean', 'max' for performing summation, averaging or obtaining the maximum value. It is also possible to supply a callable directly that performs the operation. Default: 'sum' axis : None or tuple(ints) Dimensions over which to perform aggregation. Default: None aggregates with :code:`axis=(1, 2)` """ def __init__(self, array, aggregator=None, axis=None): super(ReduceDim, self).__init__(array, *(aggregator, axis)) if aggregator is None: aggregator = 'sum' def _get_aggregator(name): if callable(name): return name if name == 'sum': return np.sum elif name == 'mean': return np.mean elif name == 'max': return np.max raise ValueError('ReduceDim aggregator="{}" not known.'.format(name) + 'Must be "sum", "mean" or "max" or a callable.') self.aggregator = _get_aggregator(aggregator) self.axis = axis if axis is not None else (1, 2) #Dataset.__init__(self, def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): idxs = slice(idxs, idxs + 1) data = self.aggregator([idxs], axis=self.axis) return data @property def shape(self): """Shape of the dataset""" shape = ([0],) for idx in range(1, if idx in self.axis: continue shape += ([idx],) return shape
[docs]class SqueezeDim(Wrapper): """SqueezeDim class. This class wraps an 4D coverage object and reduces the middle two dimensions by applying the aggregate function. Therefore, it transforms the 4D object into a table-like 2D representation Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset axis : None or tuple(ints) Dimensions over which to perform aggregation. Default: None aggregates with :code:`axis=(1, 2)` """ def __init__(self, array, axis=None): super(SqueezeDim, self).__init__(array, *(axis,)) self.axis = axis def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): idxs = slice(idxs, idxs + 1) data = np.squeeze([idxs], axis=self.axis) return data @property def shape(self): """Shape of the dataset""" shape = tuple() for idx in range( if[idx] == 1: if self.axis is None or idx in self.axis: continue shape += ([idx],) return shape
[docs]class Transpose(Wrapper): """Transpose class. This class can be used to shuffle the dimensions. For example, if the channel is expected to be at a specific location. Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset axis : tuple(ints) Order to the dimensions. """ def __init__(self, array, axis): super(Transpose, self).__init__(array, *(axis,)) self.axis = axis def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): idxs = slice(idxs, idxs + 1) data = np.transpose([idxs], self.axis) return data @property def shape(self): """Shape of the dataset""" shape = tuple() for idx in self.axis: shape += ([idx],) return shape
[docs]class NanToNumConverter(Wrapper): """NanToNumConverter class. This wrapper dataset converts NAN's in the dataset to zeros. Example ------- .. code-block:: python # given some dataset, e.g. a Cover object cover cover = NanToNumConverter(cover) # now all remaining NaNs will be converted to zeros. Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset """ def __init__(self, array): super(NanToNumConverter, self).__init__(array, *()) def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): idxs = slice(idxs, idxs + 1) data = np.nan_to_num([idxs]) return data
# Wrappers for data augmentation
[docs]class RandomSignalScale(Wrapper): """RandomSignalScale class. This wrapper performs performs random uniform scaling of the original input. For example, this can be used to randomly change the peak or signal heights during training. Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset object deviance : float The signal is rescaled using (1 + uniform(-deviance, deviance)) x original signal. """ def __init__(self, array, deviance): super(RandomSignalScale, self).__init__(array, *(deviance,)) self.deviance = deviance def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): idxs = slice(idxs, idxs + 1) data =[idxs] scales = np.random.rand(data.shape[0], data.shape[-1]) scales = 1 - (scales - self.deviance) / (2*self.deviance) data = data * scales[:, None, None, :] return data
[docs]class RandomOrientation(Wrapper): """RandomOrientation class. This wrapper randomly inverts the directionality of the signal tracks. For example a signal track is randomely presented in 5' to 3' and 3' to 5' orientation. Furthermore, if the dataset is stranded, the strand is switched as well. Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset object must be 4D. """ def __init__(self, array): super(RandomOrientation, self).__init__(array, *()) def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): data =[slice(idxs, idxs+1)] else: data =[idxs] for i, _ in enumerate(data): if np.random.randint(2, size=1): data[i] = data[i, ::-1, ::-1, :] return data
[docs]class RandomShift(Wrapper): """Randomshift class. This wrapper randomly shifts the input sequence by a random number of up to 'shift' bases in either direction. Meant for use with BioSeq. This form of data-augmentation has been shown to reduce overfitting in a number of settings. The sequence is zero-padded in order to remain the same length. When 'batchwise' is set to True it will shift all the sequences retrieved by a single call to __getitem__ by the same amount (useful for computationally efficient batching). Parameters ----------- array : Dataset Dataset object must be 4D. """ def __init__(self, array, shift, batchwise=False): super(RandomShift, self).__init__(array, *(shift, batchwise)) self.batchwise = batchwise self.shift = shift def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, int): data =[slice(idxs, idxs+1)] else: data =[idxs] if self.batchwise: rshift = np.random.randint(-self.shift, self.shift) if rshift < 0: data[:, :rshift, :, :] = data[:, -rshift:, :, :] data[:, rshift:, :, :] = 0. elif rshift > 0: data[:, rshift:, :, :] = data[:, :-rshift, :, :] data[:, :rshift, :, :] = 0. else: for i, _ in enumerate(data): rshift = np.random.randint(-self.shift, self.shift) if rshift < 0: data[i, :rshift, :, :] = data[i, -rshift:, :, :] data[i, rshift:, :, :] = 0. elif rshift > 0: data[i, rshift:, :, :] = data[i, :-rshift, :, :] data[i, :rshift, :, :] = 0. return data