Source code for

"""Bioseq dataset"""

import logging
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import product

import Bio
import numpy as np
from import Bar
from pybedtools import BedTool
from pybedtools import Interval
from pysam import VariantFile

from import Dataset
from import GenomicIndexer
from import create_genomic_array
from import create_sha256_cache
from janggu.utils import NMAP
from janggu.utils import NOLETTER
from janggu.utils import _check_valid_files
from janggu.utils import _complement_index
from janggu.utils import _iv_to_str
from janggu.utils import _to_list
from janggu.utils import as_onehot
from janggu.utils import seq2ind
from janggu.utils import sequence_padding
from janggu.utils import sequences_from_fasta
from janggu.version import version

class GenomicSizeLazyLoader:
    """GenomicSizeLazyLoader class

    This class facilitates lazy loading of the DNA sequence.
    The DNA sequence is loaded to determine the length of the reference genome
    to allocate the required memory and to fetch the sequences.

    The call method is invoked for constructing a new genomic array.
    def __init__(self, fastafile, seqtype, store_whole_genome, gindexer):
        self.fastafile = fastafile
        self.seqtype = seqtype
        self.store_whole_genome = store_whole_genome
        self.gindexer = gindexer
        self.seqs_ = None
        self.gsize_ = None

    def _load_sequence(self):
        store_whole_genome = self.store_whole_genome
        gindexer = self.gindexer

        if isinstance(self.fastafile, str):
            seqs = sequences_from_fasta(self.fastafile, self.seqtype)
            # This is already a list of SeqRecords
            seqs = self.fastafile

        if not store_whole_genome and gindexer is not None:
            # the genome is loaded with a bed file,
            # only the specific subset is loaded
            # to keep the memory overhead low.
            # Otherwise the entire reference genome is loaded.
            rgen = OrderedDict(((, seq) for seq in seqs))
            subseqs = []
            for giv in gindexer:
                subseq = rgen[giv.chrom][max(giv.start, 0):min(giv.end, len(rgen[giv.chrom]))]
                if giv.start < 0:
                    subseq = 'N' * (-giv.start) + subseq
                if len(subseq) < giv.length:
                    subseq = subseq + 'N' * (giv.length - len(subseq))
       = _iv_to_str(giv.chrom, giv.start, giv.end)
                subseq.description =
            seqs = subseqs
            gsize = gindexer

        if store_whole_genome:
            gsize = OrderedDict(((, len(seq)) for seq in seqs))
            gsize = GenomicIndexer.create_from_genomesize(gsize)

        self.gsize_ = gsize
        self.seqs_ = seqs

    def gsize(self):
        if self.gsize_ is None:
        return self.gsize_

    def seqs(self):  # pragma: no cover
        if self.seqs_ is None:
        return self.seqs_

    def __call__(self):
        return self.gsize

    def tostr(self):
        if not self.store_whole_genome:
            return self.gindexer.tostr()
        return "full_genome_lazy_loading"

class SeqLoader:
    """SeqLoader class.

    This class loads a GenomicArray with sequences obtained
    from FASTA files.

    gsize : GenomicIndexer or callable
        GenomicIndexer indicating the genome size or callable
        that returns a genomic indexer for lazy loading.
    seqs : list(Bio.SeqRecord) or str
        List of sequences contained in Biopython SeqRecords or
        fasta file name
    order : int
        Order of the one-hot representation.
    verbose : boolean
        Verbosity. Default: False
    def __init__(self, gsize, seqs, order, verbose=False):
        self.seqs = seqs
        self.order = order
        self.gsize = gsize
        self.verbose = verbose

    def __call__(self, garray):
        if callable(self.gsize):
            gsize = self.gsize()
            seqs = self.gsize.seqs
            gsize = self.gsize
            seqs = self.seqs
        order = self.order

        if self.verbose: bar = Bar('Loading sequences', max=len(gsize))
        for region, seq in zip(gsize, seqs):

            indarray = np.asarray(seq2ind(seq))

            if order > 1:
                # for higher order motifs, this part is used
                filter_ = np.asarray([pow(len(seq.seq.alphabet.letters),
                                          i) for i in range(order)])
                indarray = np.convolve(indarray, filter_, mode='valid')
                # the specific type int8 is not irrelevant, as long as
                # the negative values are maintained correctly.
                indarray[indarray < np.iinfo('int8').min] = np.iinfo('int8').min

            garray[region, 0] = indarray.reshape(-1, 1)
            if self.verbose:
        if self.verbose: bar.finish()

[docs]class Bioseq(Dataset): """Bioseq class. This class maintains a set of biological sequences, e.g. nucleotide or amino acid sequences, and determines its one-hot encoding. Parameters ----------- name : str Name of the dataset garray : :class:`GenomicArray` A genomic array that holds the sequence data. gindexer : :class:`GenomicIndexer` or None A genomic index mapper that translates an integer index to a genomic coordinate. Can be None, if the Dataset is only loaded. alphabet : str String of sequence alphabet. For example, 'ACGT'. """ _order = None _alphabet = None _alphabetsize = None _flank = None _gindexer = None def __init__(self, name, garray, gindexer, alphabet): self.garray = garray self.gindexer = gindexer self._alphabet = alphabet self.conditions = [''.join(item) for item in product(sorted(self._alphabet), repeat=self.garray.order)] self._alphabetsize = len(self._alphabet) self._rcindex = [_complement_index(idx, garray.order) for idx in range(pow(self._alphabetsize, garray.order))] Dataset.__init__(self, '{}'.format(name)) @staticmethod def _make_genomic_array(name, gsize, seqs, order, storage, cache=None, datatags=None, overwrite=False, store_whole_genome=True, random_state=None, verbose=False): if overwrite: warnings.warn('overwrite=True is without effect ' 'due to revised caching functionality.' 'The argument will be removed in the future.', FutureWarning) if datatags is not None: warnings.warn('datatags is without effect ' 'due to revised caching functionality.' 'The argument will be removed in the future.', FutureWarning) """Create a genomic array or reload an existing one.""" # always use int 16 to store bioseq indices # do not use int8 at the moment, because 'N' is encoded # as -1024, which causes an underflow with int8. # changed to be more permissive for the order. dtype = 'int16' if order > 3 else 'int32' # Extract chromosome lengths seqloader = SeqLoader(gsize, seqs, order, verbose) # At the moment, we treat the information contained # in each bw-file as unstranded datatags = [name] if cache: files = seqs parameters = [gsize.tostr(), storage, dtype, order, store_whole_genome, version] if not store_whole_genome: parameters += [random_state] cache_hash = create_sha256_cache(files, parameters) else: cache_hash = None garray = create_genomic_array(gsize, stranded=False, storage=storage, datatags=datatags, cache=cache_hash, store_whole_genome=store_whole_genome, order=order, conditions=['idx'], overwrite=overwrite, padding_value=NOLETTER, typecode=dtype, loader=seqloader, verbose=verbose) return garray
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_refgenome(cls, name, refgenome, roi=None, binsize=None, stepsize=None, flank=0, order=1, storage='ndarray', datatags=None, cache=False, overwrite=False, random_state=None, store_whole_genome=False, verbose=False): """Create a Bioseq class from a reference genome. This constructor loads nucleotide sequences from a reference genome. If regions of interest (ROI) is supplied, only the respective sequences are loaded, otherwise the entire genome is fetched. Parameters ----------- name : str Name of the dataset refgenome : str or Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord Reference genome location pointing to a fasta file or a SeqRecord object from Biopython that contains the sequences. roi : str, list(Interval), BedTool, pandas.DataFrame or None Region of interest over which to iterate. If set to None, the sequence will be fetched from the entire genome and a genomic indexer must be attached later. Otherwise, the coverage is only determined for the region of interest. binsize : int or None Binsize in basepairs. For binsize=None, the binsize will be determined from the bed-file directly which requires that all intervals in the bed-file are of equal length. Otherwise, the intervals in the bed-file will be split to subintervals of length binsize in conjunction with stepsize. Default: None. stepsize : int or None stepsize in basepairs for traversing the genome. If stepsize is None, it will be set equal to binsize. Default: None. flank : int Flanking region in basepairs to be extended up and downstream of each interval. Default: 0. order : int Order for the one-hot representation. Default: 1. storage : str Storage mode for storing the sequence may be 'ndarray' or 'hdf5'. Default: 'ndarray'. datatags : list(str) or None List of datatags. Together with the dataset name, the datatags are used to construct a cache file. If :code:`cache=False`, this option does not have an effect. Default: None. cache : boolean Indicates whether to cache the dataset. Default: False. overwrite : boolean Overwrite the cachefiles. Default: False. store_whole_genome : boolean Indicates whether the whole genome or only ROI should be loaded. If False, a bed-file with regions of interest must be specified. Default: False. random_state : None or int random_state used to internally randomize the dataset. This option is best used when consuming data for training from an HDF5 file. Since random data access from HDF5 may be probibitively slow, this option allows to randomize the dataset during loading. In case an integer-valued random_state seed is supplied, make sure that all training datasets (e.g. input and output datasets) use the same random_state value so that the datasets are synchronized. Default: None means that no randomization is used. verbose : boolean Verbosity. Default: False """ # fill up int8 rep of DNA # load bioseq, region index, and within region index if storage not in ['ndarray', 'hdf5']: raise ValueError('Available storage options for Bioseq are: ndarray or hdf5') if roi is not None: gindexer = GenomicIndexer.create_from_file(roi, binsize, stepsize, flank, random_state=random_state) else: gindexer = None if not store_whole_genome and gindexer is None: raise ValueError('Specify roi or store_whole_genome=True') gsize = GenomicSizeLazyLoader(refgenome, 'dna', store_whole_genome, gindexer) garray = cls._make_genomic_array(name, gsize, [refgenome], order, storage, datatags=datatags, cache=cache, overwrite=overwrite, store_whole_genome=store_whole_genome, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose) return cls(name, garray, gindexer, alphabet='ACGT')
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_seq(cls, name, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals fastafile, storage='ndarray', seqtype='dna', order=1, fixedlen=None, datatags=None, cache=False, overwrite=False, verbose=False): """Create a Bioseq class from a biological sequences. This constructor loads a set of nucleotide or amino acid sequences. By default, the sequence are assumed to be of equal length. Alternatively, sequences can be truncated and padded to a fixed length. Parameters ----------- name : str Name of the dataset fastafile : str or list(str) or list(Bio.SeqRecord) Fasta file or list of fasta files from which the sequences are loaded or a list of Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord. seqtype : str Indicates whether a nucleotide or peptide sequence is loaded using 'dna' or 'protein' respectively. Default: 'dna'. order : int Order for the one-hot representation. Default: 1. fixedlen : int or None Forces the sequences to be of equal length by truncation or zero-padding. If set to None, it will be assumed that the sequences are already of equal length. An exception is raised if this is not the case. Default: None. storage : str Storage mode for storing the sequence may be 'ndarray' or 'hdf5'. Default: 'ndarray'. datatags : list(str) or None List of datatags. Together with the dataset name, the datatags are used to construct a cache file. If :code:`cache=False`, this option does not have an effect. Default: None. cache : boolean Indicates whether to cache the dataset. Default: False. overwrite : boolean Overwrite the cachefiles. Default: False. verbose : boolean Verbosity. Default: False """ if storage not in ['ndarray', 'hdf5']: raise ValueError('Available storage options for Bioseq are: ndarray or hdf5') seqs = [] fastafile = _to_list(fastafile) if not isinstance(fastafile[0], Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord): for fasta in _check_valid_files(fastafile): # += is necessary since sequences_from_fasta # returns a list seqs += sequences_from_fasta(fasta, seqtype) else: # This is already a list of SeqRecords seqs = fastafile if fixedlen is not None: seqs = sequence_padding(seqs, fixedlen) # Check if sequences are equally long lens = [len(seq) for seq in seqs] assert lens == [len(seqs[0])] * len(seqs), "Input sequences must " + \ "be of equal length." # Chromnames are required to be Unique chroms = [ for seq in seqs] assert len(set(chroms)) == len(seqs), "Sequence IDs must be unique." # now mimic a dataframe representing a bed file reglen = lens[0] flank = 0 stepsize = 1 gindexer = GenomicIndexer(reglen, stepsize, flank, zero_padding=False) for chrom in chroms: gindexer.add_interval(chrom, 0, reglen, '.') garray = cls._make_genomic_array(name, gindexer, seqs, order, storage, cache=cache, datatags=datatags, overwrite=overwrite, store_whole_genome=False, verbose=verbose) return cls(name, garray, gindexer, alphabet=seqs[0].seq.alphabet.letters)
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return 'Bioseq("{}")'.format(,) @property def gindexer(self): """GenomicIndexer property.""" if self._gindexer is None: raise ValueError('No GenomicIndexer specified. ' 'Please set gindexer.') return self._gindexer @gindexer.setter def gindexer(self, gindexer): if gindexer is None: self._gindexer = None return self._gindexer = gindexer def iseq4idx(self, idxs): """Extracts the Bioseq sequence for set of indices. This method gets as input a list of indices (e.g. corresponding to genomic ranges for a given batch) and returns the respective sequences as an index array. Parameters ---------- idxs : list(int) List of region indexes Returns ------- numpy.array Nucleotide sequences associated with the region indices with shape `(len(idxs), sequence_length + 2*flank - order + 1)` """ # for each index read use the adaptor indices to retrieve the seq. iseq = np.zeros((len(idxs), self.gindexer.binsize + 2*self.gindexer.flank - self.garray.order + 1), dtype=self.garray.typecode) for i, idx in enumerate(idxs): interval = self.gindexer[idx] dat = self._getsingleitem(interval) iseq[i, :len(dat)] = dat if len(dat) < iseq.shape[1]: iseq[i, len(dat):] = NOLETTER return iseq def _getsingleitem(self, interval): # Computing the forward or reverse complement of the # sequence, depending on the strand flag. if interval.strand in ['.', '+']: return np.asarray(self.garray[interval][:, 0, 0]) return self._revcomp(self.garray[interval][:, 0, 0]) def _revcomp(self, index_sequence): return np.asarray([self._rcindex[val] if val >= 0 else val for val in index_sequence])[::-1] def __getitem__(self, idxs): if isinstance(idxs, tuple): if len(idxs) == 3 or len(idxs) == 4: # interpret idxs as genomic interval idxs = Interval(*idxs) else: raise ValueError('Cannot interpret genomic interval.' ' Use (chr, start, end) or (chr, start, end, strand)') if isinstance(idxs, int): idxs = [idxs] elif isinstance(idxs, slice): idxs = range(idxs.start if idxs.start else 0, idxs.stop if idxs.stop else len(self), idxs.step if idxs.step else 1) elif isinstance(idxs, Interval): if not self.garray._full_genome_stored: raise ValueError('Indexing with Interval ' 'requires store_whole_genome=True.') data = np.zeros((1, idxs.length - self.garray.order + 1)) data[0] = self._getsingleitem(idxs) # accept a genomic interval directly data = as_onehot(data, self.garray.order, self._alphabetsize) return data try: iter(idxs) except TypeError: raise IndexError('Bioseq.__getitem__: ' + 'index must be iterable') data = as_onehot(self.iseq4idx(idxs), self.garray.order, self._alphabetsize) return data def __len__(self): return len(self.gindexer) @property def shape(self): """Shape of the dataset""" return (len(self), self.gindexer.binsize + 2*self.gindexer.flank - self.garray.order + 1, 1, pow(self._alphabetsize, self.garray.order)) @property def ndim(self): # pragma: no cover """ndim""" return len(self.shape)
class VariantStreamer: """VariantStreamer class. This class takes a :class:`Bioseq` object and variants from a VCF file. It parses the VCF file entries and returns the sequence context for the reference and the alternative allele, respectively. Currently, only single nucleotide variations is handled. Other structural variants, e.g. indels, are skipped. Parameters ----------- bioseq : :class:`Bioseq` or str Bioseq container containing a reference genome or the reference genome file in fasta format. If a Bioseq object is used, it has to be loaded with store_whole_genome=True. This may be faster for large amounts of variants. Consider using cache=True as well, such that the genome only needs to be loaded once, and reloaded from the cache if needed. Alternatively, a string pointing to the reference genome sequence in FASTA format can be supplied from which the sequence context is extracted. variants : str VCF file name. Contains the variants binsize : int Context region size must be compatible with the network architecture. batch_size : int Batch size for parsing the VCF file. annotation : bedfile or BedTool object or None BedTool holding feature annotation e.g. gene annotation. The annotation may be used to perform strand-specific variant effect predictions. Each variant is intersected with the annotation in order to derive the correct strandedness. If variants do not overlap with an annotation features or annotation is missing, always the forward strand is returned. ignore_reference_match : boolean Whether to ignore mismatches between the reference sequence and the reference base in the VCF file. If False, the variant will be skipped over and only matching positions are processed. Otherwise all variants will be processed. Default: False. order : int Order of the DNA sequence representation. Only relevant if the option bioseq is pointing to a reference genome file. If bioseq is already a Bioseq object, this options will be ignored. Default: 1. """ def __init__(self, bioseq, variants, binsize, batch_size, annotation=None, ignore_reference_match=False, order=1): self.variants = variants self.binsize = binsize self.batch_size = batch_size self.ignore_reference_match = ignore_reference_match if isinstance(annotation, str): # convert a bedfile to a bedtool object annotation = BedTool(annotation) self.annotation = annotation self.logger = logging.getLogger('variantstreamer') self.bioseq = self.get_bioseq(bioseq, order) def is_compatible(self, rec): """ Check compatibility of variant. If the variant is not compatible the method returns False, otherwise True. This function removes all non-single-variants, including deletions and insertions. """ _, start, _ = self.get_interval(rec) if start < 0: # if the start is beyond the chromosome start, don't consider it return False if rec.alts is None or len(rec.alts) != 1 or len(rec.alts[0]) != 1: return False if not (rec.alts[0].upper() in NMAP and rec.ref.upper() in NMAP): return False return True def get_variant_count(self): """Obtains the number of admissible variants""" ncounts = 0 for rec in VariantFile(self.variants).fetch(): if self.is_compatible(rec): ncounts += 1 return ncounts def get_bioseq(self, bioseq, order): if isinstance(bioseq, Bioseq): if not bioseq.garray._full_genome_stored: raise ValueError('Incompatible Bioseq: ' 'Bioseq must be loaded with store_whole_genome=True.' ' Otherwise, supply bioseq as reference genome in fasta format.') return bioseq else: # if we end up here, # bioseq point to the reference genome in fasta format vcf = VariantFile(self.variants).fetch() roi = BedTool([Interval(*self.get_interval(rec)) for rec in vcf \ if self.is_compatible(rec)]) bioseq_obj = Bioseq.create_from_refgenome('dna', refgenome=bioseq, roi=roi, binsize=self.binsize, order=order) return bioseq_obj def get_interval(self, rec): start = rec.pos - self.binsize//2 + (1 if self.binsize%2 == 0 else 0) - 1 end = rec.pos + self.binsize//2 return rec.chrom, start, end def flow(self): """Data flow generator.""" refs = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.binsize - self.bioseq.garray.order + 1, 1, pow(self.bioseq._alphabetsize, self.bioseq.garray.order))) alts = np.zeros_like(refs) # get variants vcf = VariantFile(self.variants).fetch() def _get_replacement(new_nucleotide, previous_nucleotide, o): # helper function for replacing old with new nucleotides return (new_nucleotide - previous_nucleotide) * \ pow(self.bioseq._alphabetsize, o) # annotation is used to inform about the strandedness # to evaluate the variant if self.annotation is not None: varbed = BedTool(self.variants) n_vcf_fields = len(varbed[0].fields) vcf_strand_augment = iter(varbed.intersect(self.annotation, loj=True)) try: while True: # construct genomic region names = [] chroms = [] poss = [] rallele = [] aallele = [] ibatch = 0 # prepare mini-batches of variants while ibatch < self.batch_size: rec = next(vcf) rec_strandedness = '+' if self.annotation is not None: rec_aug = next(vcf_strand_augment) rec_strandedness = '-' if '-' in rec_aug[n_vcf_fields:] else '+' if not self.is_compatible(rec): continue chrom, start, end = self.get_interval(rec) names.append( if is not None else '') chroms.append(chrom) poss.append(rec.pos - 1) rallele.append(rec.ref.upper()) aallele.append(rec.alts[0].upper()) # obtain the nucleotide indices around the variant iref = self.bioseq._getsingleitem(Interval(rec.chrom, start, end)).copy() ialt = iref.copy() for o in range(self.bioseq.garray.order): # in the loop we adjust the original DNA sequence # by using the alternative alleele instead # # the loop is required for the higher-order nucleotide representation # in which a single variant position affects multiple # mutually overlapping positions in the one-hot encoding # # furthermore, the alternative alleele is only set if # the reference alleele matches with the reference genome. # unless the ignore_reference_match option was used. # this is the positions at which to change the nucleotide position_to_change = self.binsize//2 + o - \ self.bioseq.garray.order + \ (0 if self.binsize%2 == 0 else 1) # determine the reference nucleotide # this would be just irefbase itself for order=1 # but for higher-order representation it needs to # be determined. e.g. for TT for order=2 would be irefbase==15 # which should give the nucleotides 3, 3 irefbase = iref[position_to_change] irefbase = irefbase // pow(self.bioseq._alphabetsize, o) irefbase = irefbase % self.bioseq._alphabetsize if self.ignore_reference_match: # process the variant even if # it does not match with the reference base # replace nucleotides in the reference # and in the alternative alleele iref[position_to_change] += _get_replacement( NMAP[rec.ref.upper()], irefbase, o) ialt[position_to_change] += _get_replacement( NMAP[rec.alts[0].upper()], irefbase, o) continue if NMAP[rec.ref.upper()] != irefbase:'VCF reference and reference genome not compatible.' 'Expected reference {}, but VCF indicates {}.'.format( irefbase, NMAP[rec.ref.upper()]) + 'VCF-Record: {}:{}-{}>{};{}. Skipped.'.format( rec.chrom, rec.pos, rec.ref, rec.alts[0], else: # at this point, it is ensured that the VCF reference # agrees with the reference genome. # keep the reference as it is, only change # the alternative alleele ialt[position_to_change] += _get_replacement( NMAP[rec.alts[0].upper()], NMAP[rec.ref.upper()], o) # if the strandedness is negative (from the annotation) # the DNA sequences are reverse complemented if rec_strandedness == '-': ialt = self.bioseq._revcomp(ialt) iref = self.bioseq._revcomp(iref) alt = as_onehot(ialt[None, :], self.bioseq.garray.order, self.bioseq._alphabetsize) alts[ibatch] = alt ref = as_onehot(iref[None, :], self.bioseq.garray.order, self.bioseq._alphabetsize) refs[ibatch] = ref ibatch += 1 yield names, chroms, poss, rallele, aallele, refs, alts except StopIteration: refs = refs[:ibatch] alts = alts[:ibatch] yield names, chroms, poss, rallele, aallele, refs, alts