Source code for

"""Genomic arrays"""

import hashlib
import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
from pybedtools import Interval
from scipy import sparse

from janggu.utils import _get_output_data_location
from janggu.utils import _iv_to_str
from janggu.utils import _str_to_iv

def _get_iv_length(length, resolution):
    """obtain the chromosome length for a given resolution."""
    if resolution is None:
        return 1
    return int(np.ceil(float(length)/resolution))

def get_collapser(method):
    """Get collapse method."""

    if method is None:
        return None
    elif isinstance(method, str):
        if method == 'mean':
            return lambda x: x.mean(axis=1)
        elif method == 'sum':
            return lambda x: x.sum(axis=1)
        elif method == 'max':
            return lambda x: x.max(axis=1)
    elif callable(method):
        return method

    raise ValueError('Unknown method: {}'.format(method))

def create_sha256_cache(data, parameters):
    """Cache file determined from files and parameters."""

    sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256()

    # add file content to hash
    for datum in data or []:
        if isinstance(datum, str) and os.path.exists(datum):
            with open(datum, 'rb') as file_:
                for bblock in iter(lambda:**2), b""):
        elif isinstance(datum, np.ndarray):

    # add parameter settings to hash

    return sha256_hash.hexdigest()

def _get_cachefile(cachestr, tags, fileending):
    """ Determine cache file location """
    filename = None
    if cachestr is not None:
        memmap_dir = _get_output_data_location(tags)
        if not os.path.exists(memmap_dir):

        filename = str(cachestr) + fileending
        filename = os.path.join(memmap_dir, filename)
        return filename
    return None

def _load_data(cachestr, tags, fileending):
    """ loading data from scratch or from cache """
    filename = _get_cachefile(cachestr, tags, fileending)
    if filename is not None and os.path.exists(filename):
        return False
    return True

class GenomicArray(object):  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """GenomicArray stores multi-dimensional genomic information.

    It acts as a dataset for holding genomic data. For instance,
    coverage along an entire genome composed of arbitrary length chromosomes
    as well as for multiple cell-types and conditions simultaneously.
    Inspired by the HTSeq analog, the array can hold the data in different
    storage modes, including ndarray, hdf5 or as sparse dataset.

    stranded : bool
        Consider stranded profiles. Default: True.
    conditions : list(str) or None
        List of cell-type or condition labels associated with the corresponding
        array dimensions. Default: None means a one-dimensional array is produced.
    typecode : str
        Datatype. Default: 'd'.
    resolution : int or None
        Resolution for storing the genomic array. Only relevant for the use
        with Cover Datasets. Default: 1.
    padding_value : float
        Padding value. Default: 0.
    order : int
        Order of the alphabet size. Only relevant for Bioseq Datasets. Default: 1.
    collapser : None or callable
        Method to aggregate values along a given interval.
    handle = dict()
    _condition = None
    _resolution = None
    _order = None
    region2index = None

    def __init__(self, stranded=True, conditions=None, typecode='d',
                 resolution=1, padding_value=0.,
                 order=1, store_whole_genome=True, collapser=None):
        self.stranded = stranded
        if conditions is None:
            conditions = ['sample']

        self.condition = conditions
        self.order = order
        self.padding_value = padding_value
        if not isinstance(order, int) or order < 1:
            raise Exception('order must be a positive integer')
        if order > 4:
            raise Exception('order support only up to order=4.')
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.typecode = typecode
        self._full_genome_stored = store_whole_genome
        self.collapser = collapser

    def _get_indices(self, interval, arraylen):
        """Given the original genomic coordinates,
           the array indices of the reference dataset (garray.handle)
           and the array indices of the view are returned.

        interval : Interval
            Interval containing (chr, start, end)
        arraylen : int
            Length of the numpy target array.

            Tuple of indices corresponding to the slice in the arrays
            (ref_start, ref_end, array_start, array_end).
            ref_[start,end] indicate the slice in garray.handle
            while array_[start,end] indicates the slice in the
            target array / view.
        chrom = interval.chrom
        start = self.get_iv_start(interval.start)
        end = self.get_iv_end(interval.end) - self.order + 1

        if start >= self.handle[chrom].shape[0]:
            return 0, 0, 0, 0
            array_start = 0
            ref_start = start

        if end > self.handle[chrom].shape[0]:
            array_end = arraylen - (end - self.handle[chrom].shape[0])
            ref_end = self.handle[chrom].shape[0]
            array_end = arraylen
            ref_end = end

        return ref_start, ref_end, array_start, array_end

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        interval = index[0]
        condition = index[1]
        if isinstance(condition, slice) and value.ndim != 3:
            raise ValueError('Expected 3D array with condition slice.')
        if isinstance(condition, slice):
            condition = slice(None, value.shape[-1], None)

        if self.stranded and value.shape[1] != 2:
            raise ValueError('If genomic array is in stranded mode, shape[-1] == 2 is expected')

        if not self.stranded and value.shape[1] != 1:
            value = value.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)

        if isinstance(interval, Interval) and isinstance(condition, (int, slice)):
            chrom = interval.chrom
            start = self.get_iv_start(interval.start)
            end = self.get_iv_end(interval.end)

            length = end - start - self.order + 1
            # value should be a 2 dimensional array
            # it will be reshaped to a 2D array where the collapse operation is performed

            # along the second dimension.
            if self.collapser is not None:
                if self.resolution is None and value.shape[0] == 1 or \
                    self.resolution is not None and \
                    value.shape[0] == interval.length//self.resolution:
                    # collapsing becomes obsolete, because the data has already
                    # the expected shape (after collapsing)
                    # if value.shape[0] is already of the right shape
                    if self.resolution is None:
                        # collapse along the entire interval
                        value = value.reshape((1,) + value.shape)
                        # collapse in bins of size resolution
                        value = value.reshape((value.shape[0]//min(self.resolution,
                                                   value.shape[0]),) + value.shape[1:])

                    value = self.collapser(value)

                if not self._full_genome_stored:
                    idx = self.region2index[_iv_to_str(chrom, interval.start,

                    # correcting for the overshooting starts and ends is not necessary
                    # for partially loaded data
                    self.handle['data'][idx, :length, :, condition] = value

                    ref_start, ref_end, array_start, \
                        array_end = self._get_indices(interval, value.shape[0])

                    self.handle[chrom][ref_start:ref_end, :, condition] = \

            except KeyError:
                # we end up here if the peak regions are not a subset of
                # the regions of interest. that might be the case if
                # peaks from the holdout proportion of the genome are tried
                # to be added.
                # unfortunately, it is also possible that store_whole_genome=False
                # and the peaks and regions of interest are just not synchronized
                # in which case nothing (or too few peaks) are added. in the latter
                # case an error would help actually, but I am not sure how to
                # check if the first or the second is the case here.
            raise IndexError("Index must be a Interval and a condition index")

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # for now lets ignore everything except for chrom, start and end.
        if isinstance(index, Interval):
            interval = index
            chrom = interval.chrom
            start = self.get_iv_start(interval.start)
            end = self.get_iv_end(interval.end)

            # original length
            length = end-start - self.order + 1

            if not self._full_genome_stored:
                idx = self.region2index[_iv_to_str(chrom, interval.start, interval.end)]
                # correcting for the overshooting starts and ends is not necessary
                # for partially loaded data
                return self._reshape(self.handle['data'][idx],
                                     (length, 2 if self.stranded else 1,

            if start >= 0 and end <= self.handle[chrom].shape[0]:
                end = end - self.order + 1
                # this is a short-cut, which does not require zero-padding
                return self._reshape(self.handle[chrom][start:end],
                                     (end-start, 2 if self.stranded else 1,

            # below is some functionality for zero-padding, in case the region
            # reaches out of the chromosome size

            if self.padding_value == 0.0:
                data = np.zeros((length, 2 if self.stranded else 1,
                data = np.ones((length, 2 if self.stranded else 1,
                               dtype=self.handle[chrom].dtype) * self.padding_value

            ref_start, ref_end, array_start, array_end = self._get_indices(interval, data.shape[0])

            data[array_start:array_end, :, :] = self._reshape(self.handle[chrom][ref_start:ref_end],
                                                              (ref_end - ref_start,
                                                               2 if self.stranded else 1,
            return data

        raise IndexError("Index must be a Interval")

    def condition(self):
        return self._condition

    def condition(self, conditions):
        self._condition = conditions

    def resolution(self):
        return self._resolution

    def resolution(self, value):
        if value is not None and value <= 0:
            raise ValueError('resolution must be greater than zero')
        self._resolution = value

    def _reshape(self, data, shape):
        # shape not necessary here,
        # data should just fall through
        return data

    def interval_length(self, chrom):
        """Method returns the interval lengths."""
        # extract the length by the interval length
        # or by the array shape
        locus = _str_to_iv(chrom)
        if len(locus) > 1:
            return locus[2] - locus[1]

        return self.resolution

    def scale_by_region_length(self):
        """ This method scales the regions by the region length ."""
        for chrom in self.handle:
            if self._full_genome_stored:
                self.handle[chrom][:] /= self.interval_length(chrom)
                for rstr, idx in self.region2index.items():
                    self.handle[chrom][idx] /= self.interval_length(rstr)

    def weighted_mean(self):
        """ Base pair resolution mean weighted by interval length

        # summing the signal
        sums = [self.sum(chrom) for chrom in self.handle]
        sums = np.asarray(sums).sum(axis=0)

        # weights are determined by interval and chromosome length
        weights = [[chrom].shape[:-1]) \
                   for chrom in self.handle]
        weights = np.asarray(weights).sum()
        return sums / weights

    def shift(self, means):
        """Centering the signal by the weighted mean"""
        #means = self.weighted_mean()

        for chrom in self.handle:
            # adjust base pair resoltion mean to interval length
            self.handle[chrom][:] -= means

    def rescale(self, scale):
        """ Method to rescale the signal """
        for chrom in self.handle:
            self.handle[chrom][:] /= scale

    def sum(self, chrom=None):
        """Sum signal across chromosomes."""
        if chrom is not None:
            return self.handle[chrom][:]\
                .sum(axis=tuple(range(self.handle[chrom].ndim - 1)))

        return np.asarray([self.handle[chrom][:]\
            .sum(axis=tuple(range(self.handle[chrom].ndim - 1)))
                           for chrom in self.handle])

    def weighted_sd(self):
        """ Interval scaled standard deviation """

        # summing the squared signal signal
        sums = [np.square(self.handle[chrom][:, :, :]).sum(
            axis=tuple(range(self.handle[chrom].ndim - 1))) \
            for chrom in self.handle]
        sums = np.asarray(sums).sum(axis=0)

        # weights are determined by interval and chromosome length
        weights = [[chrom].shape[:-1]) \
                   for chrom in self.handle]
        weights = np.asarray(weights).sum()
        return np.sqrt(sums / (weights - 1.))

    def order(self):
        return self._order

    def order(self, order):
        if order <= 0:
            raise ValueError('order must be greater than zero')
        self._order = order

    def get_iv_end(self, end):
        """obtain the chromosome length for a given resolution."""
        return _get_iv_length(end, self.resolution)

    def get_iv_start(self, start):
        """obtain the chromosome length for a given resolution."""
        if self.resolution is None:
            return 0
        return start // self.resolution

def init_with_padding_value(padding_value, shape, dtype):
    if padding_value == 0.0:
        return np.zeros(shape, dtype)
        return np.ones(shape, dtype) * padding_value

class HDF5GenomicArray(GenomicArray):
    """HDF5GenomicArray stores multi-dimensional genomic information.

    Implements GenomicArray.

    gsize : GenomicIndexer or callable
        GenomicIndexer containing the genome sizes or a callable that
        returns a GenomicIndexer to enable lazy loading.
    stranded : bool
        Consider stranded profiles. Default: True.
    conditions : list(str) or None
        List of cell-type or condition labels associated with the corresponding
        array dimensions. Default: None means a one-dimensional array is produced.
    typecode : str
        Datatype. Default: 'd'.
    datatags : list(str) or None
        Tags describing the dataset. This is used to store the cache file.
    resolution : int
        Resolution for storing the genomic array. Only relevant for the use
        with Cover Datasets. Default: 1.
    order : int
        Order of the alphabet size. Only relevant for Bioseq Datasets. Default: 1.
    store_whole_genome : boolean
        Whether to store the entire genome or only the regions of interest.
        Default: True
    padding_value : float
        Padding value. Default: 0.
    cache : str or None
        Hash string of the data and parameters to cache the dataset. If None,
        caching is deactivated. Default: None.
    overwrite : boolean
        Whether to overwrite the cache. Default: False
    loader : callable or None
        Function to be called for loading the genomic array.
    collapser : None or callable
        Method to aggregate values along a given interval.

    def __init__(self, gsize,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
                 overwrite=False, loader=None,
        super(HDF5GenomicArray, self).__init__(stranded, conditions, typecode,

        if cache is None:
            raise ValueError('HDF5 format requires cache=True')

        gsize_ = None

        if not store_whole_genome:
            if gsize_ is None:
                gsize_ = gsize() if callable(gsize) else gsize
            self.region2index = {_iv_to_str(region.chrom,
                                            region.end): i \
                                                for i, region in enumerate(gsize_)}

        cachefile = _get_cachefile(cache, datatags, '.h5')
        load_from_file = _load_data(cache, datatags, '.h5')

        if load_from_file:
            if gsize_ is None:
                gsize_ = gsize() if callable(gsize) else gsize

            h5file = h5py.File(cachefile, 'w')

            if store_whole_genome:
                for region in gsize_:
                    shape = (_get_iv_length(region.length - self.order + 1, self.resolution),
                             2 if stranded else 1, len(self.condition))
                    h5file.create_dataset(str(region.chrom), shape,
                    self.handle = h5file
                shape = (len(gsize_),
                         _get_iv_length(gsize_.binsize + 2*gsize_.flank - self.order + 1,
                         2 if stranded else 1, len(self.condition))
                h5file.create_dataset('data', shape,
                self.handle = h5file
            # invoke the loader
            if loader:

            for norm in normalizer or []:
        print('reload {}'.format(cachefile))
        h5file = h5py.File(cachefile, 'a', driver='stdio')

        self.handle = h5file

class NPGenomicArray(GenomicArray):
    """NPGenomicArray stores multi-dimensional genomic information.

    Implements GenomicArray.
    gsize : GenomicIndexer or callable
        GenomicIndexer containing the genome sizes or a callable that
        returns a GenomicIndexer to enable lazy loading.
    stranded : bool
        Consider stranded profiles. Default: True.
    conditions : list(str) or None
        List of cell-type or condition labels associated with the corresponding
        array dimensions. Default: None means a one-dimensional array is produced.
    typecode : str
        Datatype. Default: 'd'.
    datatags : list(str) or None
        Tags describing the dataset. This is used to store the cache file.
    resolution : int
        Resolution for storing the genomic array. Only relevant for the use
        with Cover Datasets. Default: 1.
    order : int
        Order of the alphabet size. Only relevant for Bioseq Datasets. Default: 1.
    store_whole_genome : boolean
        Whether to store the entire genome or only the regions of interest.
        Default: True
    padding_value : float
        Padding value. Default: 0.
    cache : str or None
        Hash string of the data and parameters to cache the dataset. If None,
        caching is deactivated. Default: None.
    overwrite : boolean
        Whether to overwrite the cache. Default: False
    loader : callable or None
        Function to be called for loading the genomic array.
    normalizer : callable or None
        Normalization to be applied. This argumenet can be None,
        if no normalization is applied, or a callable that takes
        a garray and returns a normalized garray.
        Default: None.
    collapser : None or callable
        Method to aggregate values along a given interval.

    def __init__(self, gsize,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
                 overwrite=False, loader=None,
                 normalizer=None, collapser=None):

        super(NPGenomicArray, self).__init__(stranded, conditions, typecode,

        gsize_ = None

        if not store_whole_genome:
            if gsize_ is None:
                gsize_ = gsize() if callable(gsize) else gsize

            self.region2index = {_iv_to_str(region.chrom,
                                            region.end): i \
                                                for i, region in enumerate(gsize_)}

        cachefile = _get_cachefile(cache, datatags, '.npz')
        load_from_file = _load_data(cache, datatags, '.npz')

        if load_from_file:
            if gsize_ is None:
                gsize_ = gsize() if callable(gsize) else gsize

            if store_whole_genome:
                data = {str(region.chrom): init_with_padding_value(
                    shape=(_get_iv_length(region.length - self.order + 1,
                           2 if stranded else 1,
                    dtype=self.typecode) for region in gsize_}
                names = [str(region.chrom) for region in gsize_]
                self.handle = data
                data = {'data': init_with_padding_value(
                           _get_iv_length(gsize_.binsize + 2*gsize_.flank - self.order + 1,
                                          self.resolution) if self.resolution is not None else 1,
                           2 if stranded else 1,
                names = ['data']
                self.handle = data

            # invoke the loader
            if loader:

            if cachefile is not None:
                np.savez(cachefile, **data)

        if cachefile is not None:
            print('reload {}'.format(cachefile))
            data = np.load(cachefile)
            names = [x for x in data]

        # here we get either the freshly loaded data or the reloaded
        # data from np.load.
        self.handle = {key: data[key] for key in names}

        for norm in normalizer or []:

class SparseGenomicArray(GenomicArray):
    """SparseGenomicArray stores multi-dimensional genomic information.

    Implements GenomicArray.

    gsize : GenomicIndexer or callable
        GenomicIndexer containing the genome sizes or a callable that
        returns a GenomicIndexer to enable lazy loading.
    stranded : bool
        Consider stranded profiles. Default: True.
    conditions : list(str) or None
        List of cell-type or condition labels associated with the corresponding
        array dimensions. Default: None means a one-dimensional array is produced.
    typecode : str
        Datatype. Default: 'd'.
    datatags : list(str) or None
        Tags describing the dataset. This is used to store the cache file.
    resolution : int
        Resolution for storing the genomic array. Only relevant for the use
        with Cover Datasets. Default: 1.
    order : int
        Order of the alphabet size. Only relevant for Bioseq Datasets. Default: 1.
    store_whole_genome : boolean
        Whether to store the entire genome or only the regions of interest.
        Default: True
    padding_value : float
        Padding value. Default: 0.
    cache : str or None
        Hash string of the data and parameters to cache the dataset. If None,
        caching is deactivated. Default: None.
    overwrite : boolean
        Whether to overwrite the cache. Default: False
    loader : callable or None
        Function to be called for loading the genomic array.
    normalizer : callable or None
        Normalization to be applied. This argumenet can be None,
        if no normalization is applied, or a callable that takes
        a garray and returns a normalized garray.
        Default: None.
    collapser : None or callable
        Method to aggregate values along a given interval.

    def __init__(self, gsize,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        super(SparseGenomicArray, self).__init__(stranded, conditions,

        cachefile = _get_cachefile(cache, datatags, '.npz')
        load_from_file = _load_data(cache, datatags, '.npz')

        gsize_ = None

        if not store_whole_genome:
            if gsize_ is None:
                gsize_ = gsize() if callable(gsize) else gsize

            self.region2index = {_iv_to_str(region.chrom,
                                            region.end): i \
                                                for i, region in enumerate(gsize_)}

        if load_from_file:
            if gsize_ is None:
                gsize_ = gsize() if callable(gsize) else gsize

            if store_whole_genome:
                data = {str(region.chrom): sparse.dok_matrix(
                    (_get_iv_length(region.length - self.order + 1,
                     (2 if stranded else 1) * len(self.condition)),
                        for region in gsize_}
                data = {'data': sparse.dok_matrix(
                     (_get_iv_length(gsize_.binsize + 2*gsize_.flank - self.order + 1,
                                     self.resolution) if self.resolution is not None else 1) *
                     (2 if stranded else 1) * len(self.condition)),
            self.handle = data

            # invoke the loader
            if loader:

            data = self.handle

            data = {chrom: data[chrom].tocoo() for chrom in data}

            storage = {chrom: np.column_stack([data[chrom].data,
                                               data[chrom].col]) \
                                               for chrom in data}
            for region in gsize_:
                if store_whole_genome:
                    storage[region.chrom + '__length__'] = region.length

            names = [name for name in storage]

            if cachefile is not None:
                np.savez(cachefile, **storage)

        if cachefile is not None:
            print('reload {}'.format(cachefile))
            storage = np.load(cachefile)

        names = [name for name in storage if '__length__' not in name]

        if store_whole_genome:
            self.handle = {name: sparse.coo_matrix(
                (storage[name][:, 0],
                 (storage[name][:, 1].astype('int'),
                  storage[name][:, 2].astype('int'))),
                shape=(_get_iv_length(storage[str(name)+'__length__'], resolution),
                       (2 if stranded else 1) * len(self.condition))).tocsr()
                           for name in names}
            # gsize_ is always available for store_whole_genome=False
            self.handle = {name: sparse.coo_matrix(
                (storage[name][:, 0],
                 (storage[name][:, 1].astype('int'),
                  storage[name][:, 2].astype('int'))),
                       (_get_iv_length(gsize_.binsize + 2*gsize_.flank, resolution)
                        if self.resolution is not None else 1) *
                       (2 if stranded else 1) * len(self.condition))).tocsr()
                           for name in names}

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        interval = index[0]
        condition = index[1]
        if isinstance(condition, slice) and value.ndim != 3:
            raise ValueError('Expected 3D array with condition slice.')
        if isinstance(condition, slice):
            condition = slice(None, value.shape[-1], None)

        if self.stranded and value.shape[1] != 2:
            raise ValueError('If genomic array is in stranded mode, shape[-1] == 2 is expected')

        if not self.stranded and value.shape[1] != 1:
            value = value.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)

        if isinstance(interval, Interval) and isinstance(condition, (int, slice)):
            chrom = interval.chrom
            start = self.get_iv_start(interval.start)
            end = self.get_iv_end(interval.end)

            # value should be a 2 dimensional array
            # it will be reshaped to a 2D array where the collapse operation is performed
            # along the second dimension.
            if self.collapser is not None:
                if self.resolution is None and value.shape[0] == 1 or \
                    self.resolution is not None and \
                    value.shape[0] == interval.length//self.resolution:
                    # collapsing becomes obsolete, because the data has already
                    # the expected shape (after collapsing)
                    if self.resolution is None:
                        # collapse along the entire interval
                        value = value.reshape((1,) + value.shape)
                        # collapse in bins of size resolution
                        value = value.reshape((value.shape[0]//min(self.resolution,
                                                   value.shape[0]),) + value.shape[1:])

                    value = self.collapser(value)

                if not self._full_genome_stored:
                    regidx = self.region2index[_iv_to_str(chrom, interval.start, interval.end)]
                    nconditions = len(self.condition)
                    ncondstrand = len(self.condition) * value.shape[-1]
                    end = end - self.order + 1
                    idxs = np.where(value > 0)
                    for idx in zip(*idxs):
                        basepos = idx[0] * ncondstrand
                        strand = idx[1] * nconditions
                        cond = condition if isinstance(condition, int) else idx[2]
                                            basepos + strand + cond] = value[idx]
                    ref_start, ref_end, array_start, \
                        array_end = self._get_indices(interval, value.shape[0])
                    idxs = np.where(value > 0)
                    iarray = np.arange(ref_start, ref_end)
                    for idx in zip(*idxs):
                        cond = condition if isinstance(condition, int) else idx[2]
                                           idx[1] * len(self.condition)
                                           + cond] = value[idx[0] + array_start][idx[1:]]

            except KeyError:
                # we end up here if the peak regions are not a subset of
                # the regions of interest. that might be the case if
                # peaks from the holdout proportion of the genome are tried
                # to be added.
                # unfortunately, it is also possible that store_whole_genome=False
                # and the peaks and regions of interest are just not synchronized
                # in which case nothing (or too few peaks) are added. in the latter
                # case an error would help actually, but I am not sure how to
                # check if the first or the second is the case here.

        raise IndexError("Index must be a Interval and a condition index")

    def _reshape(self, data, shape):
        # what to do with zero padding
        data = data.toarray()

        if self._full_genome_stored:
            return data.reshape(data.shape[0], data.shape[1]//(shape[-1]), shape[-1])
            return data.reshape(data.shape[1]//(shape[-2]*shape[-1]), shape[-2], shape[-1])

[docs]class PercentileTrimming(object): """Percentile trimming normalization. This class performs percentile trimming of a GenomicArray to aleviate the effect of outliers. All values that exceed the value associated with the given percentile are set to be equal to the percentile. Parameters ---------- percentile : float Percentile at which to perform chromosome-level trimming. """ def __init__(self, percentile): self.percentile = percentile def __call__(self, garray): quants = np.percentile(np.concatenate(np.asarray([garray.handle[chrom] for \ chrom in garray.handle]), axis=0), self.percentile, axis=(0, 1)) for icond, quant in enumerate(quants): for chrom in garray.handle: arr = garray.handle[chrom][:, :, icond] arr[arr > quant] = quant garray.handle[chrom][:, :, icond] = arr return garray def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return 'PercentileTrimming({})'.format(self.percentile) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self)
[docs]class RegionLengthNormalization(object): """ Normalization for variable-region length. This class performs region length normalization of a GenomicArray. This is relevant when genomic features are of variable size, e.g. enhancer regions of different width or when using variable length genes. Parameters ---------- regionmask : str or GenomicIndexer, None A bed file or a genomic indexer that contains the masking region that is considered for the signal. For instance, when normalizing gene expression to TPM, the mask contains exons. Otherwise, the TPM would normalize for the full length gene annotation. If None, no mask is included. """ def __init__(self, regionmask=None): self.regionmask = regionmask def __call__(self, garray): # length scaling garray.scale_by_region_length() return garray def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return 'RegionLengthNormalization({})'.format(self.regionmask) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self)
[docs]class ZScore(object): """ZScore normalization. This class performs ZScore normalization of a GenomicArray. It automatically adjusts for variable interval lenths. Parameters ---------- means : float or None Provided means will be applied for zero-centering. If None, the means will be determined from the GenomicArray and then applied. Default: None. stds : float or None Provided standard deviations will be applied for scaling. If None, the stds will be determined from the GenomicArray and then applied. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, mean=None, std=None): self.mean = mean self.std = std def __call__(self, garray): # determine the mean signal per condition if self.mean is None: self.mean = garray.weighted_mean() # centering to zero-mean garray.shift(self.mean) # determines standard deviation per contition if self.std is None: self.std = garray.weighted_sd() # rescale by standard deviation garray.rescale(self.std) return garray def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return 'ZScore({},{})'.format(self.mean, self.std) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self)
[docs]class LogTransform(object): """Log transformation of intput signal. This class performs log-transformation of a GenomicArray using log(x + 1.) to avoid NAN's from zeros. """ def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, garray): for chrom in garray.handle: garray.handle[chrom][:] = np.log(garray.handle[chrom][:] + 1.) return garray def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return 'Log' def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self)
[docs]class ZScoreLog(object): """ZScore normalization after log transformation. This class performs ZScore normalization after log-transformation of a GenomicArray using log(x + 1.) to avoid NAN's from zeros. It automatically adjusts for variable interval lenths. Parameters ---------- means : float or None Provided means will be applied for zero-centering. If None, the means will be determined from the GenomicArray and then applied. Default: None. stds : float or None Provided standard deviations will be applied for scaling. If None, the stds will be determined from the GenomicArray and then applied. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, mean=None, std=None): self.logtr = LogTransform() self.zscore = ZScore(mean, std) def __call__(self, garray): return self.zscore(self.logtr(garray)) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self.zscore) + str(self.logtr) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return str(self)
[docs]def normalize_garray_tpm(garray): """This function performs TPM normalization for a given GenomicArray. """ # rescale by region lengths in bp garray = RegionLengthNormalization()(garray) # recale to kb garray.rescale(1e-3) # compute scaling factor scale = garray.sum() # per chromsome sum scale = scale.sum(axis=0) # sum across chroms scale /= 1e6 # rescale by million # divide by scaling factor garray.rescale(scale) return garray
def get_normalizer(normalizer): """ maps built-in normalizers by name and returns the respective function """ if isinstance(normalizer, str): if normalizer == 'zscore': return ZScore() elif normalizer == 'zscorelog': return ZScoreLog() elif normalizer == 'binsizenorm': return RegionLengthNormalization() elif normalizer == 'perctrim': return PercentileTrimming(99) elif normalizer == 'tpm': return normalize_garray_tpm elif callable(normalizer): return normalizer raise ValueError('unknown normalizer: {}'.format(normalizer)) def create_genomic_array(chroms, stranded=True, conditions=None, typecode='float32', storage='hdf5', resolution=1, order=1, padding_value=0.0, store_whole_genome=True, datatags=None, cache=None, overwrite=False, loader=None, normalizer=None, collapser=None): """Factory function for creating a GenomicArray. This function creates a genomic array for a given storage mode. Parameters ---------- chroms : dict Dictionary with chromosome names as keys and chromosome lengths as values. stranded : bool Consider stranded profiles. Default: True. conditions : list(str) or None List of cell-type or condition labels associated with the corresponding array dimensions. Default: None means a one-dimensional array is produced. typecode : str Datatype. Default: 'float32'. storage : str Storage type can be 'ndarray', 'hdf5' or 'sparse'. Numpy loads the entire dataset into the memory. HDF5 keeps the data on disk and loads the mini-batches from disk. Sparse maintains sparse matrix representation of the dataset in the memory. Usage of numpy will require high memory consumption, but allows fast slicing operations on the dataset. HDF5 requires low memory consumption, but fetching the data from disk might be time consuming. sparse will be a good compromise if the data is indeed sparse. In this case, memory consumption will be low while slicing will still be fast. datatags : list(str) or None Tags describing the dataset. This is used to store the cache file. resolution : int Resolution for storing the genomic array. Only relevant for the use with Cover Datasets. Default: 1. order : int Order of the alphabet size. Only relevant for Bioseq Datasets. Default: 1. padding_value : float Padding value. Default: 0.0 store_whole_genome : boolean Whether to store the entire genome or only the regions of interest. Default: True cache : str or None Hash string of the data and parameters to cache the dataset. If None, caching is deactivated. Default: None. overwrite : boolean Whether to overwrite the cache. Default: False loader : callable or None Function to be called for loading the genomic array. normalizer : callable or None Normalization to be applied. This argumenet can be None, if no normalization is applied, or a callable that takes a garray and returns a normalized garray. Default: None. collapser : str, callable or None Collapse method defines how the signal is aggregated for resolution>1 or resolution=None. For example, by summing the signal over a given interval. """ # check if collapser available if (resolution is None or resolution > 1) and collapser is None: raise ValueError('A collapse method must be specified when' 'resolution is None or greater than one, but' 'collapser=None.') # force store_whole_genome=False if resolution=None if resolution is None and store_whole_genome: print('store_whole_genome=True ignored, because it is not compatible' 'with resolution=None. store_whole_genome=False is used instead.') store_whole_genome = False if storage == 'hdf5': return HDF5GenomicArray(chroms, stranded=stranded, conditions=conditions, typecode=typecode, datatags=datatags, resolution=resolution, order=order, store_whole_genome=store_whole_genome, cache=cache, padding_value=padding_value, overwrite=overwrite, loader=loader, normalizer=normalizer, collapser=get_collapser(collapser)) elif storage == 'ndarray': return NPGenomicArray(chroms, stranded=stranded, conditions=conditions, typecode=typecode, datatags=datatags, resolution=resolution, order=order, store_whole_genome=store_whole_genome, cache=cache, padding_value=padding_value, overwrite=overwrite, loader=loader, normalizer=normalizer, collapser=get_collapser(collapser)) elif storage == 'sparse': if not (normalizer is None or normalizer == []): print("{}: Dataset normalization is not supported ".format(normalizer) + "for sparse genomic data yet. Argument ignored.") return SparseGenomicArray(chroms, stranded=stranded, conditions=conditions, typecode=typecode, datatags=datatags, resolution=resolution, order=order, store_whole_genome=store_whole_genome, cache=cache, padding_value=padding_value, overwrite=overwrite, loader=loader, collapser=get_collapser(collapser)) raise Exception("Storage type must be 'hdf5', 'ndarray' or 'sparse'")